I'm taking over the media! So, imagine the scene: the mobile library is docked in sunny Ballygawley, all day, every other Tuesday. As you can probably imagine, it's not the most exciting burgh on the planet, and sometimes we have to make our own fun.
Anyway, this often includes heckling along to Radio 2. And, praise be to the Dark Lords, Steve Wright has been on holiday all week. Nothing personal, but Wrighty's heavy dependence on unfunny zoo radio chatter at the expense of actual tunage can tend to make the afternoon drag a bit. So, thankfully, his stand-in (Richard Someone or other) has been programming a much more rockist show, which includes a segment

where he plays three tracks from a classic album, selected by request, at lengthy intervals. Monday was LED ZEPPELIN 4, where I predicted "oh christ, I betcha he'll play bleedin' Stairway to Heaven" and then proceeded to earn my respect when he (Crowley be praised!) stuck on When The Levee Breaks. Instantly my respect for this guy shot up. So on Tuesday, the classic album was REVOLVER, and he started off by playing a Macca tune (either Here, There and Everywhere or For No One, I can't remember) then Lennon's I'm Only Sleeping. Anyway, I reckoned he'd probably play Tomorrow Never Knows next, but on impulse, I thought I'd rocket in an email and ask for And Your Bird Can Sing. Anyway, he played it. And read out my dedication ("please play And Your Bird Can Sing, 'cus it's great, and when was the last time you heard it played on the radio? From Mark and Frank, on the mobile library in deepest darkest Ballygawley" or some such).
As I said, sometimes we have to make our own fun.
Look, I never said it was an interesting story.