Stereo Comics   +  George Moore

Prevaricating tosser

After taking the guts of two years writing my fucking phenomenal M.A. thesis George Moore and Contradiction (if you're in the area, pop into the U.U.C. library and give it a read), I understandably suffered a bad case of burn-out on the subject for a long time. But, after a recent discussion on the old git with an author friend of mine, I finally decided to take Adrian Frazier's big, thick biography off the shelf and give it a go.

I was enjoying it, too, until I realised the fucker was trying to start a fight with me, through the medium of gigantic literary biography. Listen to this:
"Nor is it any solution simply to call him a contradictory man, as if a person were, or ought to be, a logical proposition". Now, bearing in mind that the editor of my (and I repeat) fucking phenomenal M.A. thesis is name-checked in the acknowledgments of the book, it isn't a huge deductive leap to realise that somewhere along the line this fucker has read my work and is fucking picking a fight.

Look dipshit, I never fucking said Moore or anyone else should be a fucking "logical proposition". But the guy in his work, over and over again, talked about duality, dwelt on duality, both in himself, and others, and in the entire fucking universe. So yes, he was a contradictory man, embraced his contradictoriness, fucking rejoiced in it. So I used it as a pedagogical shuriken to cut into his ouevre with. Like a fucken literary ninja! Haiii-ya!

So Adrian Frazier - get in the fucking ring! This ends now!